#4 Research problem statement

Current problem statement i am working on is as follows:

I will give an example of graph dataset to understand problem statement.

Graph has V (vertices) and E(set of edges).

ex. livejournal has  #V = 4.8M, #E=57.7M (M stands for Million) Size=597MB/1.1GB (unweighted/weighted)

1GiB = 1024^3 B

1GB = 1000^3

Now fastest supercomputer today as of 2022 is Japnese Fugaku by Fujitsu.

It is exascale that means it can compute 10^18 FLOPS (1 exaFLOPS).

It has around  158k nodes and 32GiB per node of SDRAM memory. (roughly 34.35GB)

Now these implies cache will be lot less than memory capcity. L1-d=64KiB, L2=8MiB.

Point is CPU needs data in cache hierarchy and memory. Farther away the data, more time will be spent on bringing requested data closer to CPU. To compute any graph algorithm on given dataset size, in no way it will always present in cache hierarhcy at the same time (untill now these is our regular problem in computer architecture).

Now, Graphs are interesting and adds more complexity here. Graph accesses are very random. Let's say your cache can hold only 100 nodes currently, upon request to 10^5 node number, you will have to make space to accomodate memory block containing these requested node number. And lets say you evicted cache line containing node 1. And at very next request from cpu, node 1 is requested. But right now it is not in cache. May be it is not even in DRAM. We will have to request it from storage. Hence adds extra latency. So these randomness is not predictable to make use of prefetched data. And these is the problem, graph computation becomes more costly. 

Hope you enjoyed it.

I will try to post it more. If you find information in blog to be impricise please help me improve.

That's it for today.

Link to fugaku specification: https://www.fujitsu.com/global/about/innovation/fugaku/specifications/

I am looking for research position in computer architecture in industrial/academic labs.

Please let me know if you or someone in your contact is hiring.

Thank you,



#3 songs i like

1.Feeling of being by Songwriters: Lucy Schwartz / Sally Mary Seltmann
"Bet you if you sink
You'd swim a little further
And I bet you if you cried
You'd understand me better
So I take a little time just sailing down the river
And I'm throwing out my line to see 
if I can catch the feeling of being"
2.Shape Of My Heart by Sting / Dominic Miller
Well for these song, i loved music. 
It is silent, makes me feel calm.
3.Simple Man by Shinedown 
"Mama told me when I was young
Come sit beside me my only son
And listen closely to what I say
And if you do this it'll help you
Some sunny day oh yeah"

4.Crossfire by Stephan songwriters: Grahm Andrem Muron, Stehpen Michael Swartz
"Can I trust what I'm given
When faith still needs a gun
Whose ammunition
Justifies the wrong?
And I can't see
From the backseat
So I'm asking from above
Can I trust what I'm given
Even when it cuts?"
5. Never too late by Three Days Grace songwriters Adam Gontier, Brad Walst, Gavin Brown, Naomi Brewer, Neil Sanderson
"This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don't belong
Who would have guessed it?
I will not leave alone
Everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late
It's never too late"
6. Make a move by Icon for hire songwriters: Jump Arief, Bloomer Ariel
"Cause everybody's so scared
We don't wanna go there
We don't wanna make a move
We got all our lives to lose
Screaming in the dark while we just play our part
I'll play right along like I don't know what's going on
Somebody make a move
Somebody make a move
Please, somebody make a move
We all know, we all know what's going on"
7. For the glory by All good things songwriters: Jordon Kristopher Terrel, George Aruthur Regan, Elizabeth Hooper, Randall Brent Cooke, Andrew Bojanic, Dan Murphy, Phoebe Ogan
"You're the tracer, I'm the eraser, I'll ruin your record
I'm back here to break ya
I cut like a razor so call the trophy engraver
I'm gonna get it, wait 'til I win it, God I'm so glad to be in it
Can't wait to say that we did it, this is my life and I live it
Ready to give it my all when you
Fall back, taking advantage of all that
Game is on average, you're so bad
Playing shorthanded, your team scratched
Time to assess all the damages, I know that you couldn't handle this
It takes a man to stand up to the king
And unfortunately you're in bandages"